Relating faith
to everyday life.
“Here I post thoughts on faith including excerpts from my latest books, resources for churches, posts on current events, and reflections on questions I’m frequently asked about theology, ethics and the Bible. Thanks for dropping by.”
– Adam Hamilton
- An Invitation To ConnectDear friends, I’d like to tell you about a way we have invited visitors to a first-of-the-year study …
- Jesus’ Friends in Low PlacesThis excerpt is from the introduction of my new book, Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws. I hope you enjoy it as you look ahead to celebrating the season of Lent and planning a Lenten study in your own congregation.
- I Am Proud to Be United MethodistThis summer, Rob Renfroe, Publisher of Good News Magazine, produced a series of six videos making the case …