
Permission is necessary if you, your church, or your organization seeks to use material or excerpts from any work published by The United Methodist Publishing House, or any of its imprints including Abingdon Press, Cokesbury, Kingswood Books, Graded Press, and Parthenon Press (hereinafter referred to collectively as “UMPH”).

Fees are determined based on the amount of material used, the quantity to be produced or distributed, and whether you will be selling the item you plan to produce.

We strive to answer all requests on a first come, first served basis. Please allow 15 business days for a response to your request. Please note that your request will be delayed if the permission request is incomplete.

Complete and submit the Permission Request form if you are requesting

  • use of any copyrighted material
  • to reproduce images, photographs or illustrations
  • to quote the Common English Bible

Click Here to complete the Permissions Request form

Please be aware that certain information is needed to complete the form.

  • For copyrighted material, you will need to provide
    • Purpose of your request.
    • A copy of the page on which the copyrighted material appears.
    • A copy of the copyright page from the book.
    • A few lines of the material that will precede and follow the quoted material
  • To reproduce images, photographs or illustrations please provide the following information (additional fees may apply for images or illustrations):
    • Purpose of your request.
    • A copy of the image.
    • A copy of the copyright page from the UMPH book.

Note: If you intend to use the excerpt as a stand-alone (such as an entry in a devotional book or collection of stories), or the material you desire to use is a stand-alone (such as a chart, graph, cartoon, map, poem, sermon, etc.), you must request permission.

  • To quote the Common English Bible: Please note that Fair use for the Common English Bible (CEB) is allowed free with proper attribution (see credit lines below) provided the usage
    • is less than 500 verses,
    • does not constitute an entire book of the Bible,
    • and does not represent 25% or more of the total content in which it appears.
  • If the CEB quotations represent a substantial portion of your content then CEB will formally grant permission for use in exchange for a small fee, based on the percentage used of the CEB, number of copies, and so forth. If the use exceeds the CEB fair use guidelines then please provide the following information to enable us to assess a fee:
    • Listing of scriptures to be used.
    • A copy of the copyright page.
    • A few sample lines of your material, demonstrating how the CEB will be used.

This credit information must be included in each copy of the book:

Scripture quotations from the COMMON ENGLISH BIBLE. © Copyright 2011 COMMON ENGLISH BIBLE. All rights reserved. Used by permission. (

If you have any questions regarding whether you should request permission or not, please contact us.

The United Methodist Publishing House
c/o Contracts, Rights, Permission and Royalty Department
810 12th Avenue South
Nashville, TN 37203
Email Address:
Phone: 615-749-6421

Subsidiary Rights and Translation Rights

We appreciate your interest in translating and publishing our material. The United Methodist Publishing House (Abingdon, Cokesbury and UMPH imprints) receives many requests from publishers and missions organizations worldwide to translate books into other languages. We would be pleased to work with your publishing company as well. We have the pleasure of working with Riggins International Rights Services, Inc., who handles all of our domestic and foreign licensing requests.

For domestic, foreign, and translation rights please contact:
4183 Franklin Road, Suite B1 #29, Murfreesboro, TN 37128, USA

Phone: (615)-649-4407

Visually Challenged Readers

Resources published by The United Methodist Publishing House (Abingdon, Cokesbury, and UMPH imprints) as eBooks are available to persons with visual challenges through

To use, persons must have certified disabilities and must become members of the website. Churches can purchase memberships on behalf of their member(s) who need the service. There is a small one-time set-up fee, plus a modest annual membership fee. At the website, files are converted to computerized audio for download to CD or iPod, as well as to other audio devices (such as DAISY format). Other options such as Braille and very large print are also available. Once individuals have a membership, they have access to thousands of titles, including Adult Bible Studies, at no additional cost.

Live-narrated audio for persons with certified disabilities is available from AudioBook Ministries at