You’re Invited on a Journey

It’s the week before Thanksgiving here in the United States. Although some of us have not even bought our Thanksgiving turkey—much less eaten it—the culture all around us is turning its attention to Christmas. I’m sure you’ve already seen the television commercials and heard the familiar jingles, as news reports say this year “Black Friday” will begin on Thursday for many retailers.   I find it hard, as I’m sure you do, to pull back from all the busyness and outward trappings of the Christmas season to really grasp its meaningful riches. That’s why I wrote The Journey—to give you fresh eyes and ears to explore Jesus’ birth, bringing you a new understanding and deeper appreciation of western civilization’s best-known story.   This year at Christmas, I invite you to take a minute to travel with me from Nazareth to Bethlehem. I’ll post video clips from my trip to the Holy Land here, as well as historical information, archaeological findings, and personal reflections. (Today's video clip offers an introduction to the series.)   I think you’ll find The Journey a most fascinating trip as we enjoy together the birth of Christ in a whole new way.   Find out more at The Journey website.    

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