From Adam

  • An Invitation To Connect
    Dear friends,  I’d like to tell you about a way we have invited visitors to a first-of-the-year study and sermon series around faith, doubt, belief, and the questions that people deal with in our congregations and communities. It may work for you and your community too.  Every year on Christmas Eve and Easter, we see …
  • Jesus’ Friends in Low Places
    This excerpt is from the introduction of my new book, Luke: Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws. I hope you enjoy it as you look ahead to celebrating the season of Lent and planning a Lenten study in your own congregation.
  • I Am Proud to Be United Methodist
    This summer, Rob Renfroe, Publisher of Good News Magazine, produced a series of six videos making the case for why United Methodist individuals and congregations should leave the UMC. He hopes these video presentations will persuade them to join the Global Methodist Church that he has helped form. I’ve heard from United Methodists who have …
  • The Gracious Orthodoxy of United Methodism
    This is the second in a series of articles on The United Methodist Church. As a new conservative Methodist denomination launches in May of this year, and United Methodist Churches and annual conferences consider whether to remain United Methodist or join this new expression of Methodism, I offer these posts as a way of reflecting …
  • What I Value about United Methodism: Intellectual Evangelicalism
    I became a follower of Christ in a small and loving Pentecostal congregation at the age of 14. Two years later I heard a call to vocational ministry in that same community. I loved the passionate personal faith of the pastor and church members, and the emphasis on Bible reading and memorization, the work of the Holy Spirit and joy.
  • A Response to Thomas Lambrecht
    A response to Thomas Lambrecht’s article, “Primary Reasons for Separation” in the Good News newsletter, Perspective.
  • Epiphany: The Light of Christ Revealed 
    Advent and Christmas are only the beginning of the story, not the end. Their messages are meant to shape us all year long. 
  • Light Incarnate—What Happened at Christmas
    We have the light of Christ by which we walk.
  • God Reveals Himself to Humanity
    I see God most clearly when I look at Jesus.
  • Jesus the Savior
    Jesus has saved me from my sin and he is saving me from my sin.
  • Presidents and Kings
    At age 30, Jesus began his campaign for the office of King. He traveled from town to town, giving various stump speeches about God's kingdom.
  • Introducing Incarnation: Rediscovering the Significance of Christmas
    Get a preview of my new book, "Incarnation," just in time for you to get your own copy to use in the weeks prior to Christmas. 
  • A Final Challenge
    Worship, Study, Serve, Give and Share: I challenge you to a simple, achievable, measurable, and specific goal using your fingers to remember.
  • Share — The Power of Reviews
    It has never been easier to share our faith with more people, yet we’re often hesitant to do it. Why is that?
  • Give — Generosity and Joy
    Just as we were made to practice generosity together, in community, God also means for it to be a part of the daily rhythm of our lives.
  • The Importance of Listening and Paying Attention
    Our primary way of knowing Jesus is through the New Testament, and most clearly and directly through the Gospels. 
  • Worship and Prayer
    Worship—and with it, prayer—is the first of the five spiritual practices essential to growing and maturing in our Christian walk.
  • Introducing "The Walk"
    During the next six weeks leading up to Lent, I’ll be sharing excerpts from my new book, "The Walk," here on the blog.
  • The United Methodist Church I Hope to Serve
    My hope is that the next United Methodism removes the language and policies that exclude, harm, or alienate LGBTQ persons.
  • What's Next for the United Methodist Church?
    In the seven weeks since General Conference nearly every committed United Methodist has been asking, What’s next for the UMC?