A Crucified King

On Fridays during this season of Lent, I'm posting readings from The Way and its companion devotional. Today's post is an excerpt from The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus. …

Which King Will You Choose?

On Fridays during this season of Lent, I'm posting readings from The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus and its companion devotional. Today's post is an excerpt from The…

Friends in Low Places

On Fridays during this season of Lent, I'm posting readings from The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus and its companion devotional. Today's post is an excerpt from The…

The Wind and The Waves Obey Him

On Fridays during this season of Lent, I'm posting readings from The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus and its companion devotional. Today's post is an excerpt from The…

Assumptions and the Bible

Merriam-Webster defines an assumption as “a fact or statement taken for granted.”  We all make assumptions about a lot of things.  Occasionally our most…

Nazareth Rejects Jesus

On Fridays during this season of Lent, I'm posting readings from The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus and its companion devotional. Today's post is an excerpt from The…