Three Short Video Clips From Wesley's England

During the last few weeks, I’ve been publishing excerpts from my new book, Revival, which focuses on the life and faith of John Wesley and how his experience and approach to living the gospel might shape our lives today.    My hope in writing Revival was to help Wesleyan Christians remember their story and to see how Wesley’s insights into the Christian life continue to be keys to a vital spirituality today.  Preparing the book and study deepened my own faith, renewed my passion for Christ, and compelled me to a deeper commitment to living the gospel in my daily life. As a part of preparing the book I traveled to England with a film crew.  We filmed a six-session DVD on location in the places described in the book that were important in Wesley’s life.  I’m really excited about the DVD as it takes viewers on a tour of Wesley’s England, seeing the sights they would see if they went on a Wesley Heritage tour of England, and I believe the DVD helps foster great discussion about the material in the book. I think small groups and Sunday school classes will really enjoy it.   You can find out more about the Revival DVD here.   There was so much material we recorded that did not fit into any of the sessions.  I included three bonus clips on the DVD.  I thought you might enjoy seeing these bonus clips here on my blog.     1. Hanham Mount – where Wesley preached outdoors to the miners     2. A Special Chair – Wesley preached his final outdoor sermon from this chair     3. A Special Book – a book of Wesley’s sermons published three years before he died   If your small group, Sunday school class, or church is planning to use Revival, here are a couple of video clips you can use to promote the study among your friends and members.  Please feel free to share these, and any of the above clips on Facebook or Twitter.   Revival Book Promo on You Tube (click here) Revival Theatrical Promo on You Tube (click here)   All video clips are excerpted from the DVD Revival: Faith as Wesley Lived It.  

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