Incarnation Streaming Video Session 2

His parents gave him the name Jesus. But the prophets, the shepherds, the wise men, and angels addressed him by other names. They called him Lord, Messiah, Savior, Emmanuel, Light of the World, and Word Made Flesh.

In Incarnation, best-selling author Adam Hamilton explores the meaning of these titles and what they tell us about the child whose birth we celebrate at Christmas. Join him and reflect upon the significance of the Christ-child for our lives and world today!

In Session 2 titled The Savior and Our Need for Saving, Adam Hamilton discusses what it means to call Jesus our Savior, exploring the nature of the sin that we need to be saved from as well as the help or rescuing that Jesus offers us.

Running Time: 11:20

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Incarnation Streaming Video Session 3

His parents gave him the name Jesus. But the prophets, the shepherds, the wise men, and angels addressed him by other names. They called him Lord, Messiah, Savior, Emmanuel, Light of the World, and Word Made Flesh. In Incarnation, best-selling author Adam Hamilton explores the meaning of these titles and what they tell us about the child whose birth we celebrate at Christmas. Join him and reflect upon the significance of the Christ-child for our lives and world today! In Session 3 titled, Emmanuel in the Midst of a Pandemic, the gospel of Matthew calls Jesus Emmanuel, God with us. Adam Hamilton examines that name for Jesus in this session, helping us see the power of the good news that God is with us even in the worst of times. Running Time: 13:43 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on Digital Content in your account, and select Streaming Videos.

Incarnation Streaming Video Session 4

His parents gave him the name Jesus. But the prophets, the shepherds, the wise men, and angels addressed him by other names. They called him Lord, Messiah, Savior, Emmanuel, Light of the World, and Word Made Flesh. In Incarnation, best-selling author Adam Hamilton explores the meaning of these titles and what they tell us about the child whose birth we celebrate at Christmas. Join him and reflect upon the significance of the Christ-child for our lives and world today! In Session 4 titled, The Light of the World, Adam Hamilton explores the opening words of John, which describes Jesus as the Word made flesh and the Light of the world. We see in this session how Jesus brings light into our dark places, and how we are called to bear Christ’s light to others. Running Time: 15:07 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on Digital Content in your account, and select Streaming Videos.

Words of Life Children’s Leader Guide

Nearly everyone has heard of the Ten Commandments, the list of “thou-shalt-nots” found in the Bible. Jesus saw these commandments not as onerous burdens, but as guideposts to help us experience a good and beautiful life.

In this book of Scripture and inspiration, bestselling author Adam Hamilton brings modern eyes to the most important set of ethics in history. He considers the commandments in their historical context, considering the meaning of each commandment in Hebrew, unpacking how Jesus reinterpreted them, and showing how every thou-shalt-not was intended to point to a life-giving “thou shalt.” He also explores how the latest research in science and psychology illuminates these commandments, rightly understood, as a way of ordering one’s life beautifully in the present day. In a culture marked by workaholism, materialism, and social media-driven envy, God has given us a time-tested path that leads to gratitude, confidence, and peace.

The Children’s Leader Guide contains session plans for younger and older children (grades K-2 and 3-6) including games, activities, craft ideas, and reproducible handouts.

Words of Life DVD

Nearly everyone has heard of the Ten Commandments, the list of “thou-shalt-nots” found in the Bible. Jesus saw these commandments not as onerous burdens, but as guideposts to help us experience a good and beautiful life.

In this book of Scripture and inspiration, bestselling author Adam Hamilton brings modern eyes to the most important set of ethics in history. He considers the commandments in their historical context, considering the meaning of each commandment in Hebrew, unpacking how Jesus reinterpreted them, and showing how every thou-shalt-not was intended to point to a life-giving “thou shalt.” He also explores how the latest research in science and psychology illuminates these commandments, rightly understood, as a way of ordering one’s life beautifully in the present day. In a culture marked by workaholism, materialism, and social media-driven envy, God has given us a time-tested path that leads to gratitude, confidence, and peace.

Plan and customize your Lenten study. The DVD includes short sessions on each commandment to combine in that way that fits your group and your schedule. Explore the Ten Commandments with Adam Hamilton as he teaches from locations in Egypt and The Nelson-Atkins Museum. The video sessions are approximately 10 minutes in length and, when combined with the book and available Leader Guide, can be customized to create a six-week Lenten study.

Words of Life Leader Guide

Nearly everyone has heard of the Ten Commandments, the list of “thou-shalt-nots” found in the Bible. Jesus saw these commandments not as onerous burdens, but as guideposts to help us experience a good and beautiful life.

In this book of Scripture and inspiration, bestselling author Adam Hamilton brings modern eyes to the most important set of ethics in history. He considers the commandments in their historical context, considering the meaning of each commandment in Hebrew, unpacking how Jesus reinterpreted them, and showing how every thou-shalt-not was intended to point to a life-giving “thou shalt.” He also explores how the latest research in science and psychology illuminates these commandments, rightly understood, as a way of ordering one’s life beautifully in the present day. In a culture marked by workaholism, materialism, and social media-driven envy, God has given us a time-tested path that leads to gratitude, confidence, and peace.

The Leader Guide contains everything needed to guide a group through a six-week Lenten study or a more in depth ten-session study including session plans, activities, and discussion questions.

Simon Peter Streaming Video Session 4

He left everything to follow his teacher and possessed a passion that would change the world. That’s one way to describe Peter. Here’s another: poor, uneducated, quick-tempered, and full of doubts and fears. Doesn’t even sound like the same man. And that’s the point of Simon Peter, a six-week adult Bible study by Adam Hamilton. Peter was just an ordinary guy who heard and followed God’s extraordinary call. Discover how you, too, have special gifts, talents, and abilities that God can use to make a difference today. In Session 4 titled “I Will Not Deny You”, Adam Hamilton takes you to two sites claiming to be the location of the Upper Room, the Garden of Gethsemane, and the site of Jesus’ trial where Peter denied knowing Jesus. He explores the story of the Last Supper, Jesus’ prayer in the garden, and Peter’s denial of Christ in the locations where they happened, bringing the power of these events to life. Running Time: 18:41 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.

Forgiveness Streaming Video Session 1

In the passionate and life-changing book Forgiveness: Finding Peace Though Letting Go, bestselling author Adam Hamilton brings the same insight that he applied in the bestseller “Why?” to the challenge of forgiveness. Hamilton argues that revelation comes when we realize that forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves rather than to someone else. He also contends that only when we learn to forgive others and ourselves can we truly receive forgiveness from God. In Session 1: The Divine Answer, Adam Hamilton helps us to learn how to apologize and how to forgive. He illustrates the weight of carrying around resentment or guilt and explains how we can turn to God to help us unburden ourselves and repent. Running Time: 11:20 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.

Forgiveness Streaming Video Session 2

In the passionate and life-changing book Forgiveness: Finding Peace Though Letting Go, bestselling author Adam Hamilton brings the same insight that he applied in the bestseller “Why?” to the challenge of forgiveness. Hamilton argues that revelation comes when we realize that forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves rather than to someone else. He also contends that only when we learn to forgive others and ourselves can we truly receive forgiveness from God. In Session 2: For Better, for Worse, Adam Hamilton explores the dynamics of marriage and explores the sins that can be committed in that context, from the small to the large and serious. He shows us how letting go and giving the guilt of our sins to God can provide us freedom. Running Time: 12:37 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.

Forgiveness Streaming Video Session 3

In the passionate and life-changing book Forgiveness: Finding Peace Though Letting Go, bestselling author Adam Hamilton brings the same insight that he applied in the bestseller “Why?” to the challenge of forgiveness. Hamilton argues that revelation comes when we realize that forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves rather than to someone else. He also contends that only when we learn to forgive others and ourselves can we truly receive forgiveness from God. In Session 3: Seventy Times Seven, Adam Hamilton explores the importance of forgiveness for our health. He speaks on when to offer mercy and when repentance is needed to move forward. Running Time: 10:03 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.