John – Streaming Video Session 1

Join Adam Hamilton and experience a season of spiritual growth and life-changing renewal while exploring the major themes of John while reading the entire Gospel of John. Each streaming session features Adam Hamilton presenting the Gospel of John, using Scripture, story, and the teachings of Jesus for each of our lives. Each of the six sessions contain 12-17 minutes of video each and is perfect for both adult and youth classes. Session 1 – “The Word Made Flesh” – Adam Hamilton makes introductory remarks about the Gospel of John and invites us to consider the question “What does Jesus mean?” In other words, does Jesus’ life change anything for you? Run Time: 13:08 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.

Creed Streaming Video Session 2

We’re all searching. Sometimes the search is easy: simply type a question and the answer pops up. But sometimes our questions are complicated, and the answers are difficult to see and harder to articulate. How do we discover and examine the truths that give meaning and purpose to life? Adam Hamilton believes that some powerful answers are contained in the Apostles’ Creed, an early statement of foundational Christian beliefs. In this six-week study, Hamilton considers important questions of life, reality, and truth. He explores not only what Christians believe, but also why they believe it and why it matters. Session 2: In this session, they discuss the second part of the creed, dealing with Jesus, which begins: “I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord….” Run Time: 14:41 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.

Creed Streaming Video Session 5

We’re all searching. Sometimes the search is easy: simply type a question and the answer pops up. But sometimes our questions are complicated, and the answers are difficult to see and harder to articulate. How do we discover and examine the truths that give meaning and purpose to life? Adam Hamilton believes that some powerful answers are contained in the Apostles’ Creed, an early statement of foundational Christian beliefs. In this six-week study, Hamilton considers important questions of life, reality, and truth. He explores not only what Christians believe, but also why they believe it and why it matters. Session 5: In this session, they discuss the fifth part of the creed: “I believe in…the forgiveness of sins.” Run Time: 15:42 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.

Creed Youth Study Book – eBook [ePub]

We’re used to answers popping up on a screen right in front of us. But when the questions examine the truths that give meaning and purpose to life, finding the answers takes more than simply typing a few words and pushing a button. Adam Hamilton believes that powerful answers to many of our complicated questions are contained in the Apostles’ Creed, an early statement of foundational Christian beliefs. In Creed, he explores not only what Christians believe, but also why they believe, and why it matters, which in turn leads readers to confront and examine their own core beliefs and go beyond reciting the Creed’s familiar words. The book is part of a six-week churchwide program that includes a Leader Guide, DVD, youth and children resources, and a Leader Kit (includes “I Believe” card pack). Chapters include: God Jesus Christ The Holy Spirit The Church at the Communion of Saints The Forgiveness of Sins The Resurrection of the Body This Youth Study Book takes the ideas presented in Adam Hamilton’s book and interprets them for young people grades 6–12. Includes leader helps with discussion questions and can be used with the adult-level DVD.

Faithful – eBook [ePub]

We’re not that different from Joseph. True, we may not be part of a story that will be remembered for all time, but like Joseph, we encounter circumstances that we’d never choose for ourselves. At times, it can be tempting just to walk away, but Joseph provides us a great example of humbly obeying God even when we don’t understand, faithfully moving forward in the strength that God provides. The story of Joseph provide us a great example of humbly obeying God even when we don’t understand and faithfully moving forward in the strength that God provides. Additional components for a four-week adult study include a comprehensive Leader Guide and a DVD, as well as a Youth Study Book and a Children’s Leader Guide to create an all-church Advent study. Chapter topics include: A Carpenter Named Joseph Whose Child Is This? Raising a Child Not Your Own The Journey to Bethlehem The Rest of the Story

Faithful [Large Print]

From his beginnings as a humble carpenter to his all-important role as the earthly father of Jesus Christ, Joseph’s place in the nativity story is sometimes overlooked but contains valuable lessons for all of us. Join Adam Hamilton as he examines Christmas through the eyes of Joseph. Absent from much of the biblical narrative, Joseph never spoke a word, but his courageous actions were crucial to the birth of Christ and God’s salvation plan for humanity.

As you read this book, you will understand how Joseph’s story is much like our own. In life, we encounter circumstances that we would never have chosen for ourselves. At times it can be tempting just to walk away. Joseph provides us a great example of humbly obeying God even when we don’t understand and faithfully moving forward in the strength that God provides.

Exchange your doubt for courage this Advent and Christmas season.The story of Joseph provide us a great example of humbly obeying God even when we don’t understand and faithfully moving forward in the strength that God provides.

Additional components for a four-week adult study include a comprehensive Leader Guide and a DVD featuring author and pastor Adam Hamilton. Chapter topics include:

A Carpenter Named Joseph

Whose Child Is This?
Raising a Child Not Your Own
The Journey to Bethlehem

The Rest of the Story

Faithful Streaming Video Session 1

In the first session, A Carpenter Named Joseph, Adam Hamilton introduces the topic for his book, Faithful. He talks about Joseph’s trade as a carpenter and the influence Joseph must have had on Jesus. He encourages us to pay close attention to the opportunities we have to help children grow to know God. Running Time: 11:58 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.

Faithful Streaming Video Session 2

In Session 2 titled Whose Child is This?, Adam Hamilton touches on three main points: the ancestry of Jesus through Joseph, Joseph’s righteousness, and God’s call for us to offer mercy, grace, and forgiveness to others. As you watch the video, listen for a key idea you want to remember for each of these three main points. Running Time: 8:55 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.

Faithful Streaming Video Session 4

In Session 4 titled The Journey to Bethlehem, Adam Hamilton talks about what the journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem may have been like for Mary and Joseph, and the significance of the journey for Joseph and Mary, for Jesus, and for us. Listen in particular for any ideas that are new to you or that surprise you. Running Time: 10:11 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.

Half Truths [Large Print]

True or false: 1. Everything happens for a reason. 2. God helps those who help themselves. 3. God won’t give you more than you can handle. 4. God said it, I believe it, that settles it. 5. Love the sinner, hate the sin. All true? Not so fast. We’ve heard these phrases all of our lives, but in Adam Hamilton’s new book, Half Truths, you’ll learn that although they capture some element of truth, when compared to the wisdom found in Scripture, they’re really just common Christian clichés. The five-week, DVD study can be used in small groups or as a churchwide program where all ages explore the topics at the same time. Leader Guides for adult and youth are also available.