Creed Leader Guide – eBook [ePub]

We’re used to answers popping up on a screen right in front of us. But when the questions examine the truths that give meaning and purpose to life, finding the answers takes more than simply typing a few words and pushing a button. Adam Hamilton believes that powerful answers to many of our complicated questions are contained in the Apostles’ Creed, an early statement of foundational Christian beliefs. In Creed, he explores not only what Christians believe, but also why they believe, and why it matters, which in turn leads readers to confront and examine their own core beliefs and go beyond reciting the Creed’s familiar words. The book is part of a six-week churchwide program that includes a Leader Guide, DVD, youth and children resources, and a Leader Kit (includes “I Believe” card pack). Chapters include: God Jesus Christ The Holy Spirit The Church at the Communion of Saints The Forgiveness of Sins The Resurrection of the Body

The Way: Youth Study Edition

Travel with Adam Hamilton as he retraces the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Once again, Hamilton approaches his subject matter with thoughtfulness and wisdom, just as he did with Jesus’ crucifixion in 24 Hours That Changed the World and with Jesus’ birth in The Journey. Using historical information, archaeological data, and stories of the faith, Hamilton follows in the footsteps of Jesus from his baptism to the temptations to the heart of his ministry, including the people he loved, the parables he taught, the enemies he made, and the healing he brought.

Everything needed to conduct a 6-week study during Lent and Easter for ages 13-18. Use with the adult-level DVD.

Lent, Lenten, Lenten Resource, Lenten Resources, Lent Study, Lent Studies, Easter, Easter Study, Easter Studies

Final Words From the Cross Leader’s Guide

In 24 Hours That Changed the World, Adam Hamilton took us on a Lenten journey through the last day of Jesus’ life. Now, in his inspiring follow-up book, Hamilton examines Christ’s dying hours and his final words as seen and heard through the eyes and ears of those who stood near the cross.

Moving through each chapter you will begin to understand and respond to Jesus’ final words at the cross while learning about those who were eye witnesses to the crucifixion. In the final chapter, Hamilton moves beyond the cross to Jesus’ words to the disciples on the road to Emmaus and to those who were witnesses to the Resurrection.

This small-group Leader Guide is a companion piece to the Final Words DVD and contains seven teaching sessions with topics that include:

Father Forgive Them
Behold Your Son
My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?
Today You Will Be with Me in Paradise
I Thirst
Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit
On the Road to Emmaus

Lent, Lenten, Lenten Resource, Lenten Resources, Lent Study, Lent Studies, Easter, Easter Study, Easter Studies

Leading Beyond the Walls 21293

Good pastoral leadership is not a “by the numbers” proposition. It is a matter of heart and soul, of devoting the whole self to the vision God gives for the congregation in which one serves. Yet neither is it purely intuitive; it requires hard, careful thinking about the directions and details of the path down which God calls. When Adam Hamilton became pastor of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection, its membership consisted of himself and his family. Ten years later the church averages between five and six thousand worshipers per weekend. Throughout this remarkable period, Hamilton learned many serious lessons about both the broad visions and the specific details of pastoral leadership.

Bringing a depth of analytical skills often lacking in visionary leaders, in this book he goes beyond simply telling the story of Church of the Resurrection. He shares the questions that he learned to ask about the largely unchurched population to which Church of the Resurrection has reached out. Further, he demonstrates what he learned by listening to the answers to these questions, and how doing so has made possible a number of strategically crucial decisions the church has made. One of those crucial decisions was to make more traditional forms of worship and praise the center of the congregation’s life. The result is that the example of Church of the Resurrection offers pastors and church leaders (especially those in mainline denominations) the realization that they need not completely change their liturgical and theological identity in order to reach out to the unchurched.

Drawing on his own experience, as well as the detailed research on the characteristics of highly successful congregations he undertook during a sabbatical leave, Hamilton offers pastors and other church leaders solid, substantive thinking on steps that congregations can take to become centers of vibrant outreach and mission.

Love to Stay Leader Guide

Falling in love is easy, but staying in love takes courage, hard work, and lots of grace! The leader guide includes everything a group leader needs to facilitate sessions and tailor them to the time and style of each group.

The videos and leader guide are based on the book chapter topics:
More Than a Piece of Paper
What She Wants, What He Wants
The Significance of Sexual Intimacy
Habits That Hurt, Habits That Heal
Clothe, Bear With, and Forgive
A Love That Lasts a Lifetime

Not a Silent Night DVD

Imagine Jesus from Mary’s point-of-view—proud of her son, in awe of his gifts and mission, guided by love for him as a person and so much more. Adam Hamilton begins at the end, with Mary at the crucifixion and resurrection; travels back in time as she witnesses his life and ministry; and ends at the beginning, with the Christ child born in a stable, Mary’s beautiful baby. This year, experience Advent and Christmas with Mary.

This DVD, meant for group use along with Adam Hamilton’s book Not a Silent Night: Mary Looks Back to Bethlehem, brings Hamilton and his dynamic teaching style into the group. The DVD presents five videos of about 10 minutes each, one for each book chapter. The videos are based on the book chapter topics:

1. Beginning with the End
2. The Piercing of Mary’s Soul
3. Amazed, Astounded, and Astonished
4. Mary, Full of Grace
5. It Was Not a Silent Night

All video sessions are closed captioned.

Not a Silent Night Leader Guide

Imagine Jesus from Mary’s point-of-view—proud of her son, in awe of his gifts and mission, guided by love for him as a person and so much more. Adam Hamilton begins at the end, with Mary at the crucifixion and resurrection; travels back in time as she witnesses his life and ministry; and ends at the beginning, with the Christ child born in a stable, Mary’s beautiful baby. This year, experience Advent and Christmas with Mary.

This leader guide is designed for group use, along with Adam Hamilton’s book and DVDNot a Silent Night: Mary Looks Back to Bethlehem. The leader guide includes everything a group leader needs to facilitate sessions and tailor them to the time and style of each group. The five sessions are based on the book and DVD topics:

1. Beginning with the End
2. The Piercing of Mary’s Soul
3. Amazed, Astounded, and Astonished
4. Mary, Full of Grace
5. It Was Not a Silent Night

Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White

Everyone agrees that America is polarized, with ever-hardening positions held by people less and less willing to listen to one another. No one agrees on what to do about it.

One solution that hasn’t yet been tried, says Adam Hamilton, is for thinking persons of faith to model for the rest of the country a richer, more thoughtful conversation on the political, moral, and religious issues that divide us. Hamilton rejects the easy assumptions and sloppy analysis of black and white thinking, seeking instead the truth that resides on all sides of the issues, and offering a faithful and compassionate way forward.

He writes, “I don’t expect you to agree with everything I’ve written. I expect that in the future even I won’t agree with everything I’ve written here. The point is not to get you to agree with me, but to encourage you to think about what you believe. In the end I will be inviting those of you who find this book resonates with what you feel is true, to join the movement to pursue a middle way between the left and the right – to make your voices heard – and to model for our nation and for the church, how we can listen, learn, see truth as multi-sided, and love those with whom we disagree.”

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Adam Hamilton’s Seeing Gray Blog

Now available!
Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White – DVD
UPC: 843504001902
A five-session video resource featuring Adam Hamilton teaching these concepts on DVD for group or individual study. Includes leader’s guide as well as bonus video.

Click below to view a preview of each video session.

Where Faith and Politics Meet
Christ Christians and the Culture Wars
How should we live, The Ethics of Jesus
Spiritual Maturity and Seeing Gray
What Would Jesus Say to America?

The Way: Children’s Leader

Travel with Adam Hamilton as he retraces the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Fascinating video from his personal travels to the Holy Land give you a “first-person” experience while his biblical wisdom and historical knowledge provide thoughtful and insightful commentary. For personal or small-group study, especially fitting as part of a 40-day churchwide emphasis during Lent and Easter. Resources include book, Leader Guide, DVD, devotional, and materials for youth and children’s ministries. The Children’s Leader may be used in conjunction with the churchwide experience during Lent and Easter. Children will explore the stories of Jesus, learn about the places where Jesus’ ministry took place, experience some of the culture of Bible times, and realize the significance of Jesus’ life on earth. Contains everything needed to conduct a six-week study complete with reproducible handouts.

The Way: DVD

Travel with Adam Hamilton as he retraces the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Fascinating video from his personal travels to the Holy Land give you a “first-person” experience while his biblical wisdom and historical knowledge provide thoughtful and insightful commentary. For personal or small-group study, especially fitting as part of a 40-day churchwide emphasis during Lent and Easter. Resources include book, Leader Guide, DVD, devotional, and materials for youth and children’s ministries.

The Way DVD is designed to be used as part of a 40-day churchwide emphasis during Lent and Easter or any time of the year and is perfect for adult and youth classes. Video segments for each session range from 9-12 minutes in length. All video sessions are closed-captioned. Leader Guide sold separately.