Never Having Enough?

It’s been nearly ten years since I first wrote Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity. More than 150,000 readers have found this little book helpful as they have sought the Bible’s wisdom regarding prudent financial practices.

Fruits Worthy of Repentance

[And John said to them], “Bear fruits worthy of repentance.”…And the crowds asked him, “What then should we do?”  In reply he said to them…

Learning to Give

Our generosity to God and others not only touches God and other people; it also changes us. As human beings, we were created with the need to be generous. When we are not generous …

Tithing to God

In my last post, I talked about giving to God, specifically, giving a tithe to the Church. Tithing can be a challenging idea for many of us. As I’ve stated in a previous…

Giving to God

From the early days of the Old Testament, God’s people observed the practice of giving some portion of the best of what they had to God. In the beginning, the practice was…

Everything Belongs to God

In a previous post, I wrote about cultivating spiritual growth, and subsequently, generosity. As the Holy Spirit continues to work in our lives, we will notice changes in our…

Created to Give, Tempted to Keep

God created each of us with the willingness to give—to God and to others. We’re hard-wired to be givers; we need to be generous. Yet there are two “voices” …