Facing Issues That Divide: A Christian Response to Islamic Extremism

Most of us believe it’s wrong to judge an entire category of people based on the actions of a relatively small number of extremists within that group. At the same time, terrorist attacks by Islamic extremists within our midst have heightened our concerns about future attacks. They also have contributed to fear and suspicion of all Muslims—to the point that many Americans believe there should be at least a temporary ban against people of the Islamic faith entering the United States from other countries. For the third in a five-part series of blog posts on issues that divide us, we’ll look today at Islamic extremism—and how we as Christians can respond to it. Along with some questions and ideas to think about, you can take a deeper dive into this issue through a link to relevant Scripture and video from a sermon at the website of the church I serve. If you’d like to explore the issues in a group setting, you can also download a free leader guide to the series. Here are some thoughts to get you started: A CBS News poll in December 2015 found that more than 35 percent of Americans favored a temporary ban on Muslims entering the U.S. from other countries. Yet the same poll also found that only 28 percent of respondents believed that such a ban would make the nation safer from terrorism. Meanwhile, 44 percent of Americans believe the government should maintain a database with the names of all Muslims in the U.S. Our Bible contains stories from Joshua involving what we would describe today as genocide against nonbelievers (such as the Canaanites in the conquest of the Promised Land). However, few Christians today believe that these passages are a call to kill nonbelievers. By the same token, most Muslims today do not view the Quran’s passages about violence against Islam’s opponents as permission for violent activities. Islam is far from monolithic. Just as there are many divisions among Christians, the same is true among Muslims.   Americans agree that extremist groups such ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) represent a grave danger that must be dealt with. Whatever the military solution to ISIS may be, our aim on American soil must be to show a better way to that small number of Muslims who might be drawn toward extremism. Paul’s words to the Christians of Rome—“never avenge yourselves” and “overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:19-21)—show us what a Christian response to Islamic extremism looks like. Ready to dive deeper? Click here to see my sermon series “Facing Issues That Divide,” then select today’s sermon, “A Christian Response to Islamic Extremism.” Want to discuss these topics in a group? Click the link below or here for a free downloadable leader guide.

Facing Issues That Divide: Immigrants and the Bible

We are a nation divided. As Christians, we don’t have to agree with each other, but we do need to listen, respond with respect, and act as Jesus did, with love. This is the second in a five-part blog series looking at hot-button issues that divide us. I’ll introduce one issue per week on this blog, give you some initial thoughts, and then invite you to dive deeper by linking to Scripture and a recent sermon at the website of the church I serve. If you’d like to explore the issues in a group setting, you can download a free leader guide to the series. Today’s issue is immigration reform. There’s a second, related issue regarding refugees from Muslim countries, which we’ll talk about next week when we discuss radical Islam. Today we’ll discuss immigration reform, particularly as it relates to what should be done concerning the undocumented immigrants in America. Here are some thoughts to get you started: A recent National Public Radio report noted, “Immigration is shaping up to be one of the most contentious and emotional topics in the 2016 presidential race.”   All Americans are descended from immigrants—from Siberia in the Ice Age, from Europe as Pilgrims, from Africa during the slave trade, from Ireland in the mid-1800s, from China during the late 1800s. A plaque on the Statue of Liberty reads: Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 banned racial criteria for immigation. From that time on, people would be admitted “on the basis of their skills and their relationship to those already here” and to find refuge from oppression.   There are approximately 11.3 million persons in the U.S. today without authorization—without some kind of Visa or Green Card. Of these, roughly half came here on a Visa or Green Card that has now expired, and half came into our country by crossing the border without authorization. The Bible has many references to immigrants—in fact, foreigners, strangers, and aliens are mentioned more than 150 times.  In Leviticus, God says: “When immigrants live in your land with you, you must not cheat them. Any immigrant who lives with you must be treated as if they were one of your citizens. You must love them as yourself, because you were immigrants in the land of Egypt” (Leviticus 19:33-34 CEB). Ready to dive deeper? Click here to see my sermon series “Facing Issues That Divide,” then select today’s sermon, “Immigrants and the Bible.” Want to discuss these topics in a group? Click the link below or here for a free downloadable leader guide.

Oprah’s “Belief”

Last month LaVon and I were invited to Montecito, California, to preview a seven-part television series produced by Oprah Winfrey called Belief.  Following the preview we enjoyed supper at Oprah’s home and a chance to hear from her about the project.  We were just two of over 100 religious leaders in attendance. The series begins tonight (Sunday, October 17 at 7:00 p.m. central time) and runs for seven nights on the OWN channel. Our plane was delayed so we missed the first half of the first episode but arrived in time to see the second half of episode one and the entire second episode.  I’ve not seen any of the other episodes yet.  I’d like to offer a few reflections on the series and a few words about the evening at Oprah’s home. The series is not a comprehensive introduction to the various religions it explores.  Instead each episode features vignettes of religious people of a wide variety of faiths.  Each vignette, perhaps ten to fifteen minutes in length, tells the story of individuals, couples, or families and how they seek and experience God. The vignettes are beautifully filmed on location around the world.  The personal stories are touching, and they demonstrate the impact each individual’s beliefs have upon their hopes, aspirations, and actions.  Among the many compelling vignettes was a story, filmed in Nigeria, of a Christian pastor and a Muslim imam who had each belonged to militias that were willing to fight and kill those of the other’s religion.  But these two had a kind of conversion experience and came to understand that their respective faiths called them to practice forgiveness and love.  Now they are close friends who travel across Nigeria promoting peace between groups.  Other vignettes I saw included a dying aboriginal man in Australia, a grandfather, passing on his faith to his young grandson.  There was also a young evangelical Christian woman whose fiancé was in an accident that caused a severe brain trauma.  Despite the resulting disabilities, she and her fiancé married, a picture of Christian love.  The film series will touch the hearts of people and will help viewers to appreciate the heartfelt and earnest faith of their neighbors of other religions around the world.  Oprah has done an excellent job of helping viewers see the human dimension of the various faiths she explores.  I also think the series will raise questions for many people of faith from a variety of religious traditions.  First, I found myself wanting more information about the various faiths that were highlighted.  I wanted to know, “Why do they believe that?” and “What else do they believe?”  It quickly becomes clear that the series is not intended as an introduction to these various religions as much as it is an introduction to the impact religious beliefs of a variety of kinds have on individuals.  I suspect that Oprah and her team hoped that viewers will take the time to learn more about the faiths she explores in the series. More importantly for many people, the series will raise theological questions.  Since the vignettes present the spirituality of persons of various religious traditions – Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, and others – the series naturally raises questions like, Despite their sometimes competing claims, are all religions simply different roads to God?  Is one of these religions truer than others? How does God look at people of different faiths?  Will all of these people ultimately receive God’s grace and the gift of everlasting life?  There are many more questions like these that are raised by people of nearly every faith when studying other world religions.  These are questions many people are asking today in our pluralistic world. I suspect that it was Oprah’s hope to raise these kind of questions, and rather than offering her answers, to send the reader to do more reading and research in their quest for their answers.  I believe she intended that viewers would see the beauty, earnest faith, and humanity of the people featured in the series.  Several years ago I wrote a book called Christianity and World Religions as a way of wrestling with, and providing some guidance from one Christian perspective on, the theological questions raised when contemplating the variety of world religions. It examined the similarities and differences between Christianity and four other major world religions and aimed at providing a Christian frame work for dialoguing with other faiths while not diminishing the unique claims of the Christian faith. I believe a book like this would be a good complement to watching these episodes.  I believe that small groups, Bible studies, and Sunday school classes would enjoy watching Oprah’s Belief series, but may need help sorting through the questions it raises.  On a more personal note, after watching the two episodes of the series we went to Oprah’s home in Montecito to meet her, to visit with other guests, and to share a meal.  I was grateful to run into some old friends and to meet some new ones.  The meal was terrific, and LaVon and I enjoyed having an opportunity to sit with Oprah at supper, which afforded us the chance to ask her questions and to discuss the project in more detail.  She was engaging, remarkably gracious, and authentic.  It was a memorable evening. Tune in to Belief starting tonight at 7:00 p.m. central time on the OWN channel (channels 63 or 173 on Time Warner Cable in Kansas City).  And if you find yourself wrestling with questions like those I mentioned above, you might take a look at Christianity and World Religions.

What Should Be Done About ISIS?

I have had several of you write me regarding Fox News commentator Bill O’Reilly’s call for pastors to speak about ISIS (click here to see the segment).  Bill and…