Happy Valentine's Day!

A few weeks ago, I issued a challenge: to have a stronger marriage by Valentine's Day. How did you do? Even though February 14 is when we traditionally celebrate love,  the…

Giveaway Winner – Congratulations!

Congratulations to Christine Poplau, this week's winner of a copy of Love to Stay! Chosen randomly, Christine's comment featured this suggestion for a romantic date night: When…

What Single Women Look For In a Mate

In the last post, we noted what single men look for in a mate, using research we gathered during a Love, Sex, and Marriage survey of more than 5000 adults. Nearly 1,000 single…

What Single Men Look For In a Mate

In writing Love to Stay, I conducted a Love, Sex, and Marriage survey of more than 5000 adults. It measured their attitudes towards love, sex, and marriage. The responses clearly…

The Link Between Sex and Faith

In writing Love to Stay, I surveyed more than 5000 adults about their attitudes associated with love, sex, and marriage. The survey results and comments included some…

The Trivialization of Sex

Churches don’t often spend a lot of time reminding people of the beauty and importance of sexual intimacy. Conversely, society tends to trivialize and cheapen it. People…