Assumptions and the Bible

Merriam-Webster defines an assumption as “a fact or statement taken for granted.”  We all make assumptions about a lot of things.  Occasionally our most…

Bearing One Another's Burdens

In the last two posts, we’ve been discussing the power of the team. We’ve looked at how we’re meant to encourage one another, and to challenge one another in the …

Running God's Race

You can’t turn on the television or surf the Web right now without seeing, hearing, or reading all about the Olympic games. In my last two posts, we have compared the…

Straining Forward

In my last post, we focused on our lives as being like a long Olympic race. We pursue our “prize” — a heavenly, imperishable one — with discipline, focus…

Go For the "Gold"

Olympic fever is about to strike the world! The summer games are set to begin in a few days in London with opening ceremonies to be held July 27.  You may be surprised to…

Six Words

Forgiveness is essential to our lives. Without forgiveness, no marriage can survive, no family can stay together, and no society can be sustained. It is a necessary part of…