The Call – Streaming Video Session 5

Follow the journeys of Paul, beginning with his dramatic conversion, as he spread the Gospel through modern-day Greece and Turkey. Travel to the early church sites and explore Paul’s conversations with the Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians. In this six-week study, you are invited to experience faith through Christ’s greatest teacher and missionary. In Session 5 titled Called to Give, Paul felt called to set out on a Third Missionary Journey, first revisiting churches he had founded and then returning to the wealthy city of Ephesus, where he stayed for over two years, boldly proclaiming Christ. His preaching hurt sales of idols, and he was hustled out of town by local Christians to avoid a confrontation with angry merchants. Run Time: 14:48 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions. All sessions are closed captioned. Streaming Video Frequently Asked Questions