My New Book, LOVE TO STAY, Has Just Been Released

Last year I shared a series of sermons entitled, “Love, Sex and Marriage.” It saw record attendance and many reported that it was helpful in healing and strengthening their marriages. I’m excited to announce that Abingdon Press has just released my latest book, based upon that sermon series, called, Love to Stay: Sex, Grace, and Commitment. Check out the book’s promotional video at the end of this post. In the book I was able to expand upon material from the sermon series and to add a few things that were too delicate to include in the sermons. I also include much of the data from more than 5,000 respondents who took an online survey asking what they appreciated and what frustrated them about love, sex, and marriage. Even though today’s divorce rates hover between 40 and 50 percent and 50 percent of cohabitating couples break up within the first five years, some couples do enjoy marriages that last a lifetime. I wanted to find out why some marriages last and others don’t. We live in a culture where people are used to seeking out things that make their daily duties fast and easy.  But one of the most important things about love, marriage, and sexual intimacy is that it’s hard work. When we fall in love, it seems so easy.  But maintaining love over decades—that’s another story. Most couples have seasons when they fall out of love.  Most report that their sex life seems boring at times.  Nearly every couple has times when they think about calling it quits.  Most fight fairly regularly.  But those who don’t give up and who work on their marriage find profound rewards. My hope and prayer in writing and editing the book is that it would help prepare those who are not yet married to have successful marriages, bring healing to broken marriages, and strengthen and encourage healthy marriages. There is a DVD and leader's guide that is available for small group use or a church-wide emphasis.  Order your copies here. Stay tuned to the blog as I'll be posting excerpts from the book during the next several weeks.

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