Christianity and World Religions Streaming Video Session 1

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If there ever were a time when Christians needed to build bridges with others, seeking peace in our world, loving our neighbors, and finding positive ways to share the gospel, it is now. In Christianity and World Religions, Revised Edition, Adam Hamilton deals with questions so many of us have about the four major world religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism—and compares the beliefs of each with those of Christianity. In his trademark honest and open writing style, Hamilton helps answer questions such as: Why are there so many different religions? How should we view their beliefs? What is the fate of those who have these beliefs? In session one titled The Wise Men, Adam Hamilton discusses how learning about other religions gives us a better understanding of our own faith and enables us to love our neighbors more fully. He describes a “theology of religions” and some of the ways Christians have thought about other religions. The video includes a conversation with an interfaith couple to show how we might have strong relationships with people of other faiths. Running Time: 15:32 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.

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