Moses – Streaming Video Session 4

Join award-winning author Adam Hamilton as he travels from Egypt to Mt. Sinai, the Nile, the Red Sea, and the wilderness exploring the sites of Moses’ life. As Hamilton shares historical information, archaeological data, and biblical text, you’ll gain a better understanding of Moses’ significance in your life today, and you’ll discover how you, too, can turn your own reluctance into boldness. In Session 4 titled The Ten Commandments, we trace the journey of the Israelites as they left Egypt and set out into the desert. We learn about their complaints and God’s responses. Finally we arrive at St. Catherine’s Monastery at the foot of Mount Sinai and hike up the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments. Running Time: 9:47 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.