Not a Silent Night – Streaming Video Session 3

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Imagine Jesus from Mary’s point-of-view—proud of her son, in awe of his gifts and mission, guided by love for him as a person and so much more. Adam Hamilton begins at the end, with Mary at the crucifixion and resurrection; travels back in time as she witnesses his life and ministry; and ends at the beginning, with the Christ child born in a stable, Mary’s beautiful baby. This year, experience Advent and Christmas with Mary. In Session 3, we go back to Jesus’ boyhood and the one childhood story about him that is given in the Bible: Jesus’ staying behind in Jerusalem and being discovered by his frantic parents while he was sitting among the teachers. Run Time: 11:51 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions. Streaming Video Frequently Asked Questions

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