The Walk Streaming Video Session 4

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Join Adam Hamilton this Lent and Easter in The Walk and discover five essential spiritual practices rooted in Jesus’ own walk with God. In each chapter, Hamilton’s engaging teaching style will help you explore one of these practices—each of which is intended to be a part of our daily walk with Christ—its New Testament foundation, and its potential effect on our personal lives and our lives together as the church. In Session 4 titled Give: Where Your Treasure Is…, Hamilton discusses the way we spend our money as a kind of “selfie” that shows us our priorities, and identifies gratitude and generosity as keys to living a good life. He calls us to invest in God’s kingdom rather than possessions, inviting us to practice five acts of extraordinary generosity a month. Running Time: 12:58 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on Digital Content in your account, and select Streaming Videos.

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