Unafraid Streaming Video Session 2

We know Jesus tells us, “Do not be afraid,” but with everything going on in the world, how is it possible not to be anxious? In this five-week study based on his book Unafraid, Adam Hamilton explores the worries and fears most of us experience. Your small group can learn to identify fears and discover practical steps for overcoming them…all in the light of Scripture and a faith that promises again and again that we can live with courage and hope. In video Session 2 titled Crime, Racism, Terrorism, and Politics, Adam Hamilton explores the question of how we overcome our fears of other people. He discusses strategies for confronting these fears with his guests, Carlos, Ginger, and Marie. Then Adam talks with Bishop William H. Willimon about why Bishop Willimon wrote his book Fear of the Other, and how our fear of the other affects our relationships and our society. Running Time: 16:06 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your cokesbury.com user account, click on My Cokesbury.com, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.