Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White – DVD

Everyone agrees that America is polarized, with ever-hardening positions held by people less and less willing to listen to one another. No one agrees on what to do about it. One solution that hasn’t yet been tried, says Adam Hamilton, is for thinking persons of faith to model for the rest of the country a richer, more thoughtful conversation on the political, moral, and religious issues that divide us.

This DVD features Adam Hamilton presenting the insights found in the book in his engaging style. Each of the five sessions contains 8–10 minutes of video and is perfect for group or individual study and helps participants delve into the topics:

Where Faith and Politics Meet
Christians, and Culture Wars

How Should We Live? The Ethics of Jesus

Spiritual Maturity and Seeing Gray

What Would Jesus Say to America?

Christianity and World Religions Streaming Video Session 1

If there ever were a time when Christians needed to build bridges with others, seeking peace in our world, loving our neighbors, and finding positive ways to share the gospel, it is now. In Christianity and World Religions, Revised Edition, Adam Hamilton deals with questions so many of us have about the four major world religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism—and compares the beliefs of each with those of Christianity. In his trademark honest and open writing style, Hamilton helps answer questions such as: Why are there so many different religions? How should we view their beliefs? What is the fate of those who have these beliefs? In session one titled The Wise Men, Adam Hamilton discusses how learning about other religions gives us a better understanding of our own faith and enables us to love our neighbors more fully. He describes a “theology of religions” and some of the ways Christians have thought about other religions. The video includes a conversation with an interfaith couple to show how we might have strong relationships with people of other faiths. Running Time: 15:32 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.

Christianity and World Religions Streaming Video Session 3

If there ever were a time when Christians needed to build bridges with others, seeking peace in our world, loving our neighbors, and finding positive ways to share the gospel, it is now. In Christianity and World Religions, Revised Edition, Adam Hamilton deals with questions so many of us have about the four major world religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism—and compares the beliefs of each with those of Christianity. In his trademark honest and open writing style, Hamilton helps answer questions such as: Why are there so many different religions? How should we view their beliefs? What is the fate of those who have these beliefs? In session three titled Buddhism, Adam Hamilton gives an overview of the beginning of Buddhism, focusing on the life and teaching of Siddhartha Gautama, who became the Buddha. He describes the central ideas of Buddhism and what it has in common with Christianity, as well as how the two religions are different in important respects. The video includes an interview with a Buddhist leader who identifies the main teachings of Buddhism in a clear, accessible way. Running Time: 16:27. Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.

Christianity and World Religions Streaming Video Session 5

If there ever were a time when Christians needed to build bridges with others, seeking peace in our world, loving our neighbors, and finding positive ways to share the gospel, it is now. In Christianity and World Religions, Revised Edition, Adam Hamilton deals with questions so many of us have about the four major world religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism—and compares the beliefs of each with those of Christianity. In his trademark honest and open writing style, Hamilton helps answer questions such as: Why are there so many different religions? How should we view their beliefs? What is the fate of those who have these beliefs? In session five titled Islam, Adam Hamilton discusses the beginnings of Islam with a focus on the life of Muhammad. He describes the main beliefs and practices of Islam, including its sacred text, the Quran, and shows its similarities and differences with Christianity. The video includes an interview with a sheikh, who identifies the central ideas of Islam and how Muslims practice their faith. Running Time: 15:40 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.

Christianity and World Religions Streaming Video Session 2

If there ever were a time when Christians needed to build bridges with others, seeking peace in our world, loving our neighbors, and finding positive ways to share the gospel, it is now. In Christianity and World Religions, Revised Edition, Adam Hamilton deals with questions so many of us have about the four major world religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism—and compares the beliefs of each with those of Christianity. In his trademark honest and open writing style, Hamilton helps answer questions such as: Why are there so many different religions? How should we view their beliefs? What is the fate of those who have these beliefs? In session two titled Hinduism, Adam Hamilton describes the early history of the Hindu religion, its sacred writings, and its major beliefs. He identifies points of similarity and difference between Hinduism and Christianity, and shows what an appreciation of Hinduism can teach us about the Christian faith. The video includes an interview with a Hindu leader discussing Hinduism’s central ideas and practices. Running Time: 13:45 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.

Christianity and World Religions Streaming Video Session 4

If there ever were a time when Christians needed to build bridges with others, seeking peace in our world, loving our neighbors, and finding positive ways to share the gospel, it is now. In Christianity and World Religions, Revised Edition, Adam Hamilton deals with questions so many of us have about the four major world religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism—and compares the beliefs of each with those of Christianity. In his trademark honest and open writing style, Hamilton helps answer questions such as: Why are there so many different religions? How should we view their beliefs? What is the fate of those who have these beliefs? In session four titled Judaism, Adam Hamilton describes the close relationship between Judaism and Christianity, including how Christianity developed out of Judaism in the first century AD. He identifies the main authoritative writings of Judaism in addition to the Hebrew Bible, and he shows what the two religions hold as common beliefs. The video includes an interview with a rabbi who discusses the key beliefs of Judaism. Running Time: 12:47 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.

Christianity and World Religions Streaming Video Session 6

If there ever were a time when Christians needed to build bridges with others, seeking peace in our world, loving our neighbors, and finding positive ways to share the gospel, it is now. In Christianity and World Religions, Revised Edition, Adam Hamilton deals with questions so many of us have about the four major world religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism—and compares the beliefs of each with those of Christianity. In his trademark honest and open writing style, Hamilton helps answer questions such as: Why are there so many different religions? How should we view their beliefs? What is the fate of those who have these beliefs? In session six titled Christianity, Adam Hamilton gives a broad overview of the Christian faith using John 3:16 as a “gospel in miniature” that contains the good news of Christianity in a simple, straightforward, yet powerful statement. He shows how Christianity’s teachings are similar to other religions in some ways, but differs in others, most significantly in the Christian teaching that Jesus is the son of God, fully human and fully God. Running Time: 16:52 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.

Simon Peter Streaming Video Session 1

He left everything to follow his teacher and possessed a passion that would change the world. That’s one way to describe Peter. Here’s another: poor, uneducated, quick-tempered, and full of doubts and fears. Doesn’t even sound like the same man. And that’s the point of Simon Peter, a six-week adult Bible study by Adam Hamilton. Peter was just an ordinary guy who heard and followed God’s extraordinary call. Discover how you, too, have special gifts, talents, and abilities that God can use to make a difference today. In Session 1 titled “The Call of the Fisherman”, Adam Hamilton takes you on a tour of Bethsaida and Capernaum, including the site that may be Simon Peter’s house and the synagogue where Jesus taught, while exploring the story of Simon Peter’s call to be Jesus’ disciple. Running Time: 16:50 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.

Simon Peter Streaming Video Session 5

He left everything to follow his teacher and possessed a passion that would change the world. That’s one way to describe Peter. Here’s another: poor, uneducated, quick-tempered, and full of doubts and fears. Doesn’t even sound like the same man. And that’s the point of Simon Peter, a six-week adult Bible study by Adam Hamilton. Peter was just an ordinary guy who heard and followed God’s extraordinary call. Discover how you, too, have special gifts, talents, and abilities that God can use to make a difference today. In Session 5 titled “From Cowardice to Courage”, Adam Hamilton invites you to see the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, recounting the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. He then returns to the Sea of Galilee to explore Jesus’ reinstatement of Simon Peter by the lakeshore, where Jesus commissions Peter to “feed my sheep.” Running Time: 17:50 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.

Simon Peter Streaming Video Session 6

He left everything to follow his teacher and possessed a passion that would change the world. That’s one way to describe Peter. Here’s another: poor, uneducated, quick-tempered, and full of doubts and fears. Doesn’t even sound like the same man. And that’s the point of Simon Peter, a six-week adult Bible study by Adam Hamilton. Peter was just an ordinary guy who heard and followed God’s extraordinary call. Discover how you, too, have special gifts, talents, and abilities that God can use to make a difference today. In Session 6 titled “The Rest of the Story”, Adam Hamilton returns to one possible site of the Upper Room in Jerusalem to recount the story of Pentecost. From there, he visits Joppa and Caesarea Maritima to explore the story of Peter baptizing Cornelius and his household, extending God’s grace to the Gentiles. Finally, he visits Rome, showing you the Mamertine Prison, where tradition holds that Peter was kept before his execution, and St. Peter’s Basilica, built atop Peter’s grave. Running Time: 18:28 Instructions: To stream a purchased video, login with your user account, click on My, and select Downloads/Subscriptions.